Cart Placement

How To Be Smart with your Carts

Casella’s curbside collection program provides customers with rolling carts for trash and recycling.  The rolling carts are. larger than your average tash container but easier to maneuver and get to the curb.  Carts come in two convenient, easy to use sizes 65 and 95 gallons.  If you do not have a Casella rolling cart, please give our office a call at 860-423-4527 for more information.

Cart Placement

With our automated service, cart placement is extremely important to guarantee our trucks can access them for pickup on collection days.  The mechanical arm on the garbage trucks needs to have clear access to your cart(s).  Proper cart placement also ensures your cart(s) are not missed on your scheduled collection day.

Please see the example below showing proper cart placement.

Cart Rules

  • Place your Garbage and/or recycling in the cart(s) provided to you by Casella
  • Put your cart(s) at the roadside by 6:00am on your scheduled collection day.
  • Do not overfill or place things outside of your cart
  • Place your cart(s) within two feet of the roadside, with the handle facing toward your property.
  • Each cart should have three feet between it and any other item such as another cart, mailbox, telephone pole, etc.

Garbage and recycling carts need to be set three (3) feet apart and also three (3) feet from other objects (Vehicles, Mailboxes, etc.).

Total space that two carts will take up at the roadside is seven (7) feet.

Cart use and Care

  • Do not place heavy items in the cart, such as sand, gravel, soil or concrete.
  • Rinse your cart out with water from time to time.  If odor is present, use a mild soap and water mix to was the cart.
  • Hot items such as ashes or fire will destroy  the cart and should never be placed in the cart
  • Playing on or in the cart can cause injury or entrapment and should not be done
  • Dragging the cart will wear a hole in the bottom.  Please make sure to use the wheels to transport the cart from your home to the roadside on collection days

Contamination in Carts

When waste is wrongly disposed of, placing garbage in the recycling cart, it creates contamination in the cart.  The items you place in your recycling cart are delivered to a Casella recycling facility where it is sorted and shipped out to end-market recyclers.  When items are place in the recycling cart that should not be there, it increases sorting costs, which is passed on to the customer as an increase in rates.  In an effort to be more efficient, please only recycle materials that are approved by Casella.  For a list of these items, please visit our recycling page.